The formation of the sisters in their different stages has been and is one of the concerns of our Provincial Superior and has been materializing, throughout her service of government, in various meetings. Thus, on March 11 and 12, at the Casa del Reina de la Paz – of Colombia, this meeting with the sisters over 65 years of age in this Region, a total of ten sisters … and with an average age of 78.5 years in this group. But vital, healthily restless, eager to continue to contribute the best of each one from the acceptance of their age and conditions.
Each day began with the celebration of the Eucharist where we received strength and nourishment for the daily journey in our following Jesus.
Graciela began introducing the topic from the CFI that so beautifully speak of our vocation, both in life as in sickness and death, and the objectives proposed for the encounter, such as the following, began to unfold: to be aware of this moment in my life as F.I. in order to keep growing. To go deeper into the being of the Daughter of Jesus. To relish and enjoy with renewed enthusiasm the Formula of the Congregation and our Constitutions. To be a help to one another to live this stage of life. To rediscover the meaning of this moment to contribute to the life and fruitfulness of the Congregation. To be one with the whole congregation, dispersed in 19 countries.
Sisters participating in this meeting expressed that these days were:
• An immersion that was needed in relation to the Formula and the Constitutions. A great grace and for that, the feeling from the bottom of my heart is, THANK YOU.
• A wonderful, entertaining encounter. A new grace of God to be a true Daughter of Jesus. It offered us motivation to reflect and experience the CFI.
• Of questioning in my life as a Daughter of Jesus.
• Of cultivating hope and opening ourselves to the future with enthusiasm.
• Of renewing and wishing to live more deeply our being Daughters of Jesus, as a gift and grace received.
Circular Letter 43: Congregates-Electors GC XIX
In her letter number 43, our Superior General communicates the names of the Daughters of Jesus who will participate by...