We share Notiandina 203 corresponding to the month of July 2023. In it we can find testimonies of life, faith and commitment.

- María Elvira Bouza de Fullone. La Plata – Argentina
- International Novitiate, Cordoba, Argentina – Self-denial Experience
- House of Kindness: Isairis Valerio Domínguez. FI Novice
- José Bainotti Children’s Home: Gabriela Núñez. Novice FI
- Walking again: Madelyn Núñez Novicia FI
- July 9, Independence Day
- Mariana Franco, Primary School teacher, Colegio Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús, La Plata – Argentina.
- New prefect for the doctrine of the faith
- La Plata Community – Argentina
- Meeting with young people on the occasion of Maria Goretti’s Patron Saint’s Day in Arroyo Ceibal
- Villa Ocampo, Argentina
- Inspiration and beacon of hope
- Antonia Sotelo FI. Eucharistic Heart School. La Plata – Argentina
- July, Ignatian month, also with young people
- M. Carmen Jiménez FI. Córdoba – Argentina
- Missionary Camp 2023 – let’s walk together with Jesus
- Rommy Villarroel FI. Good Retirement, Capinota
- If I get lost, I know where to find me
- Laura Ruíz, FASFI volunteer in Potosí, Bolivia
- No more drugs! No more violence! We are on time
- Gabriela Núñez Peralta, Mother Candida International Novitiate