Resonances of a heart: Rosanny Martínez tells us about her experience as a guide in the “Abriendo Sendas sin Fronteras” camps [“Opening Paths Without Borders”].
God allowed me to live each of the stages of the Camp Abriendo Sendas Sin Fronteras in the corresponding years, culminating with the third in 2015. Each experience is unique and truly, none resembles the other, even if they are consistent.
This year I had the great opportunity of belonging to the team of guides that was going to accompany the young people in the first stage.
After a long journey of doubts, questions and insecurities, … being there with these young people made me remember my reason for being, the guiding principle for my happiness.
There are no words that can accurately describe everything I felt on this occasion, but all I can say is, my being had never felt as complete as there.
I was able to realize that there is in me the desire to love and serve, to help young people like me to let oneself be found and to find oneself. To perceive how a life from the hand of Jesus acquires all the meaning that we have always been searching for, but above all how He exists in the smallest of things; as he has always been with us in every moment of sadness and joy and how he has been reflected in that person who helps us to be able to accept that part of our history that is so difficult for us.
Many times what we need is to feel useful, and truly in those four days, that’s how I felt. The happiness that invaded my being every moment in which I was together with my group of boys and girls, with the team of guides and with all the young people of the stage – no matter how I try to describe it, I could not.
To feel the simple manifestation of appreciation by means of a hug or a vote of confidence is priceless. Only God and I know what I felt every morning to find myself there, part of a new family that, whatever happens, I will not forget or give up.
Let us not think of “Abriendo Sendas Sin Fronteras” as the usual camp that we eagerly hope for every year, only for meeting with those friends that we made. Let us allow “Abriendo Sendas Sin Fronteras” to be a lifestyle that we, the chosen ones, have the opportunity to live. May it be a means to discover God’s call to collaborate with his kingdom on earth, a VIP ticket to happiness, a search for true love in us, allowing ourselves be carried by his grace.
Young people! May masks no longer cover our face, may our main objective now be to accept our history and discover that our God, the God of life, has been and always will be in it. It is time to begin a new journey, accepting that we are a living, constant and eternal manifestation of a loving God and that in the process this journey may allow you to grow both spiritually and personally and thus be able to open paths without borders.
Lord, give us the courage to give our life without fear,
for what is really worth it.
Give us some of that folly of yours to expend ourselves for others and thus find true life.