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RELISHING AND SAVORING: An infusion of refreshing gratitude

March 3, 2016

Hello, good day. I am Mª Carmen, Daughter of Jesus, and today I share what I relished and savored in Salamanca. I have called it “An infusion of refreshing gratitude”.

I arrived with some friends in a cafe after a long and very good day of reflection, sharing and discernment work. I had not sat down yet, although the others had, when the waitress came to take our order. I called the others’ attention for us to say what we wanted and then she told me:

“No, no rush, you sit and rest and let me treat you with the same love and care with which you treat my daughter at school!” I realized then that she was the mother of students in our school, that I did not know her but she knew me, and she was offering me a relaxing infusion for my heart so that I could not describe the smile, tenderness and gratitude that it made me feel. What a sparkle from the Lord through this sensitive and attentive woman … and her gesture of closeness, affection and gratitude, that by giving to me, she was doing it to all the teachers of her school of “Jesuitinas”!!!
