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Table Blessing at the General Curia

April 3, 2016

It was a Good Friday on April 2, 1869.
Juana Josefa before the altar of Rosarillo receives a special light, an experience of the Spirit, an inspiration that will lead her to found the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus.
Today we remember and celebrate your charism as Foundress. THANK YOU, Mother!!!
THANK YOU because you have known how to communicate with your word and your life that experience of faith so strong and genuine that you have manifested to your companions and that has been able to continue till today with vitality.
It is for us now to “narrate” and therefore “transmit” to successive generations this “foundational experience” of yours.

It is for us to “live it, guard it, deepen and develop it” because the charism is a living and dynamic reality like the Spirit that Jesus Risen daily infuses into his Church for the good of the whole world.

It is for us to have a thankful spirit for so much good received.

Thank you, Mother!!!

Thank you, Mother, for your holiness.

We pray through the intercession of Mary, our Mother and Lady, to place us together with you, with her Son, Jesus.

In Jesus we have everything ……
