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The Baptism of the Lord

January 12, 2025

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the end of Christmas, a time in which we have liturgically contemplated the God-become-man in order to save us. Contemplating the Child, I am sure that we will have asked for the grace of a greater inner knowledge of the Lord, the newborn, in order to love and serve him more. With his Baptism, Jesus “begins something new”. Jesus is the beginning of a new way and, with an unmistakable presence, he rekindles hope in people. We are grateful for this fruitful liturgical season in which we have already entered the Jubilee Year as pilgrims of Hope and in which we are feeling ever closer to GC XIX.

This is also a day to remember our baptism and to give thanks for that decision of our parents or perhaps for having made the personal decision to be baptized. With this sacrament, we are grateful for our faith and for belonging to the Church. Faith is a gift, a relationship that we must take care of so that it grows and does not diminish in any way. Today the world needs us women of a living faith, which is manifested in our faithful following of the Lord and in our commitment to our brothers and sisters.

Let us ask for the grace to be women of a firm faith that makes us strong, courageous and generous with others!

From Circular Letter number 43 of the Superior General, Graciela Mirta Francovig
