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The call of silence by Caterina Ciriello

August 22, 2024

The Call of Silence is the new book by Caterina Ciriello FI.

Caterina Ciriello Dalla Libera is a religious of the Daughters of Jesus. Theologian and historian, she teaches Spiritual Theology and History of Spirituality at the Pontifical Urbaniana University (Rome). She has to her credit numerous publications with leading Italian publishers, both scientific and popular. Among her interests is the promotion of women in society and in the Church.

In its pages, we will address the strength and growing attraction of spiritual retreats to reflect, pray, combat existential emptiness and find ourselves again:

Monasteries, convents, sanctuaries, hermitages, abbeys, temples are the new demand for the increasingly booming tourism of reflection or spiritual tourism. What is “the call of silence” and why has the search for retreats in abbeys, monasteries, convents and monasteries increased ? What do we find in these spaces compared to traditional places of rest? The difference lies in the motivations and objectives of the traveler. The conventional tourist focuses on seeing places, having fun, relaxing and visiting other cultures. However, those who opt for spiritual travel seek to know themselves, to meet a need for inner well-being, personal growth and spiritual development. Responding to this call, with its emphasis on silence, recollection and prayer, represents an important way of introspection and connection with the transcendent and the divine.

Where did this book come from? What does Caterina love?

It is not a simple question, it is not easy to say what one loves, because as human beings we love many things, beautiful and ugly, useful and useless, for a few moments or a few days, depending on the mood.

To say what one loves presupposes making a small journey into the depths of ourselves and searching, feeling within ourselves, as Ignatius said, what moves us, what gives us authentic joy, peace, serenity, the ability to follow our path, in our daily life. Here too we make an act of “discernment” because it is easy to be deceived by what tells us nothing or brings us nothing, but, at that given moment, it dazzles us, making us change our path.

There is a very wise proverb that says: ‘all that glitters is not always gold’. And it is true. For many it goes without saying that there is something, or someone, whom I “love” more than myself: HIM, despite the betrayals and alibis I build for myself every day. Everything else comes from this love. I have finally realized it. It took me time and tears, but I did it. For this love I had thought of giving up what I love the most and what I am best at: writing. I realized that God was not asking me to give it up, but to continue to put this gift at the service of others. I love writing because with words I can give life to feelings, passions, joys and sorrows, which acquire a face, become the expression of men and women of all times, who lose themselves and find themselves in God’s time, the kairos. Words are important, they open doors, they build relationships, they tell stories?

From these words was born a new book The Call of Silence, in which I was asked to tell why today more and more people seek silence, love to retreat to silent, even sacred places. Escape from this time of ours is a reality. We are tired of perennial connections, of noise, of the same people. So we seek time for ourselves, to restore ourselves. But I say no more. Maybe it’s worth reading.

Published by Almuzara, it goes on sale on August 27th, but you can already reserve it at any bookstore(La Casa del Libro, El Corte Inglés, Almuzara libros…).
