On this day so dear to us, I would like to begin with a letter from Mother Candida: “It is good what you tell me about the feast you had to the Sweet Name of Jesus on your day, and I am very happy that it was so well attended… I am very happy about everything; may Jesus bless us and give us his grace so that we may bear as he pleases the great name that we bear, being true Daughters of Jesus…”. CMF 368, to Sr. Antonia Beloqui.
The Guidelines and Complementary Norms, in number 156, when they mention the feasts of the Congregation, say that their celebration contributes to the union of all the members of the Congregation, while at the same time expressing it. And, of the five feasts that we have, the one that heads this list is the Holy Name of Jesus. This same number goes on to say: The Sisters will intensify in these days the prayer that they should habitually make, so that the Lord may preserve and increase the life of the Congregation for his greater glory.
Happy Sweet Name of Jesus Day to all of us!
Happy are we if, like Him, we seek in everything the Will of the Father.
Happy are we if we find joy in it.
We are happy if, leaving aside our own interests,
we set out to follow Jesus with our whole person.
We will be happy if we love the Congregation as it is…
We are happy if we discover that Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the only one,
is the center of our life and
and live peacefully with the consequences.
Happy we are if…
As a Congregation we find ourselves in transition between Provincial Congregations. Two of them have already finished and the other three are still on their way, their processes and searches. It is a privileged time of union and prayer for one another..
May Jesus, who always and in everything sought the Will of his beloved Father, help us to exercise discernment in common, in order to better understand what God wants from our dear Congregation in this historical time, so controversial and so challenging at the same time.
A big hug, dear sisters. In the community prayer we had this morning we prayed with all of you.
Circular letter number 41 of the Superior General, Graciela Mirta Francovig