CROSS WAY Cristobal Fones, sj
Silent you pass by carrying your cross,
your cross that is not yours but mine.
Barefoot on the dust of your beloved earth
that today condemns you for loving anyone.
You pass among people without reproaching them for anything
and you watch, silent, as the road lengthens.
With shoulders swollen from carrying the wood,
a wood laden with the sins of the people.
That sacrifice in which your life culminates
of 33 short, long-suffering years.
33 years of life, deep preacher
of such a noble gospel and such a noble mission.
You were born for these clubs,
to save men like me,
weak pilgrims who do not sing a song.
You die so many times
in my street and my nation
and, today, mad with love, you die an atrocious death.
You didn’t have a cross, you looked for mine.
And, no matter how far you fall, you still walk.
I will follow in your footsteps, my friend Jesus.
At the end and madness, cross madness.
Thank you, Lord, thank you
for carrying your cross,
your cross that is not yours
but mine.
Cristobal Fones’ song can help you to accompany the Jesus of Good Friday. To accompany him in so many crosses, his own and others’.
We leave you four verses… choose any other that brings you closer to this Jesus who today goes to death for you, for me… so that we may all have Life… so that we may all know how to face the cross when it comes to us. And if we follow Jesus, it comes.
- Silent you pass by carrying your cross…
- You pass among the people without reproaching them…
- You die so many times in my street and my nation….
- You didn’t have a cross, you looked for mine…
- …