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Visit to other Asian presences (I)

September 26, 2024

The airport, the train station and the train itself, the subway, buses, streets, buildings, cleanliness… China is a giant. You land in another language, another music, another atmosphere.

The welcome is always the first rest after a long journey, as well as the first joy. Also on this occasion.

We took a train trip to another city and stayed there until the end. The sisters have thoroughly researched and prepared for the visit. Community life used to be different and is becoming more similar to that of other countries. Our deepest thanks to the families who supported us.

Unforgettable, the emotion of singing “God wills it” at the first blessing of the table. The image of Mother Candida comes to mind. How the Lord made use of her, of her littleness, and of each Sister so that we have come this far!

There are hardly any external signs of the living out of faith.How deep its roots must be for it to be sustained and grow over time and in spite of the adversities that life brings! In such a reality, one grasps the full meaning of service to unity in spite of so much diversity and distance.

For all this, the Mass we were able to attend on Sunday had more flavor. And the sharing of the community, of the family that welcomed us, brings to our hearts the true bond of faith and life, a sincere sense of a Church that shares what it is and what it has. She asks us for formation in the spiritual life of her faithful.

Finally, we must mention the joy for the pastoral work that the sisters are doing with the youth.

María Teresa Pinto, FI.
