Today, Good Friday, we look at your cross raised high on the mountain. In silence we worship your offering to the Father. Your outstretched arms embracing each person. Your head bowed, abandoned in the hands of God. Your suffering Servant’s face has been disfigured. Your open side has watered the earth with blood and water. You have given everything and you have remained open, poor and small. You love us without logic, without measure, without anything in return. You love us because yours is faithful love. We look at you and we see you as human, very human. Your humanity overwhelms and subjugates us. Your love mixed in that mystery of iniquity leaves us speechless. (Caritas Spain. Lent – Easter 2022)
“They should ponder much before our Creator and Lord how much it helps and profits in the spiritual life to admit and desire with all possible strength how much Christ our Lord has loved and embraced… by desiring to resemble and imitate him…“. CFI 137
How difficult it is for us to admit and desire to resemble you at times like this!
How hard it is to go all the way when pain appears, meaninglessness stalks us and hope departs!
How hard it is when stubborn reality insists on going places we don’t want to go and we see our dreams fade away!
How hard it is to follow you, Lord, to the end!
I accept my inability to go with you to the cross.
Do you too, like Peter, feel unable to follow Him to the cross? Stay close to Him in the midst of your denials and your silences, stay close. Create a space to let yourself look. To grasp how He looks at the crosses of our world; and those of the people you know; and yours… Tell Him that you want to live like Him. And that, along with the many times you complain of being thirsty, at the end of your life, you want to say, too, your “It is finished”.