Graciela Francovig, FI, Provincial Superior of Andean America, has just published her last circular letter, No. 50, in which she invites us to reflect on the consecrated life today: To what is the CL called today? What is that which is specific to our vocation that we must take care of? At present, what is it that we must not be deaf to, but be ready and diligent to take up? In this same line, I related what the CBR (Bolivian Conference of Religious) told us, starting from a reflection on mysticism and prophecy, delving into the aspect of mysticism, where today we would have to pay more attention. How can we help each other to communicate the beauty of the encounter with God and the depth of faith? Perhaps they are aspects to which we must always pay attention, in order not to depart from what is essential in our life: “to be with Him, to live in comm-union with others and be sent to our neighbors.”
In this way, Graciela Francovig recalls the circular letter 87 of our Superior General where she offered us a reflection and questioning – among others – on faith. She invited us to the communication of our faith narrative; she reminded us that our spiritual heritage must be purified in a constant return to the Gospel of Jesus and to the signs of His presence in the world in which we live. “She enlightened us about our fraternity – so challenging for today’s world – so that our bonds may be strengthened by the communication of the goods of the Spirit, which is where the communion among us will be born. And she challenged us to believe in the “good news” that springs from that communication of faith in common to witness something new and evangelically attractive.”
Thus Granciela Francovig bids farewell by welcoming the new Provincial Superior, Marlene Serrano Ardila, who will start her government on July 16. “I will work with Marlene to make the communication or transference of the moment in which the Province is, and everything that she may need from me. I will personally work with her and also with the Provincial Secretary in whatever is necessary. I believe that we can offer our help in the initial moments,” she says.
“We are entering a new moment, and novelty always brings life. We are called to continue fostering that new path that we walked together as a Province. This is a time when we are all invited to offer our help and collaboration, to be co-responsible and available; this is a time to pray for and welcome the grace of union and to learn to walk humbly with our God. “
With the tenderness and kindness that characterize her, Graciela finishes her letter in this way:
“Finally I want to thank you for the journey we have taken together in these six years in the Province, the great collaboration that I received from everyone, the welcome and fraternity of sisters and lay people in these five different countries. I thank the Superiors who were part of the government with me in the process of reconfiguration, as in the implementation of the amplified communities; the sisters of my council, who were truly consultors, a help in discernment and decision making. I want to thank God for the moments of darkness and difficulties which I did not lack and which, I believe, strengthened me in faith, charity and humility. I always tried to give my best so that the Body, in this part, may grow in its well-being.
I want to express a special thanks to Sr. Teresa Ramirez, the Provincial Secretary. This sister who has been “memory, hands and feet of the Provincial.” I have been very lucky to have her in this service as Secretary for her efficiency, her great collaboration and her being a Daughter of Jesus, a sister with a little more life experience than I. We have learned to work together because we are very different. And we have seen that it is possible! She was able to translate the desire of the Provincial in her office as secretary and thus collaborated and helped towards unity.
And I would also like to express my gratitude to the Sisters of the Provincial House in Cochabamba. Returning home has been a source of joy and friendship for all! The Provincial House was Bethany for me, always! Thank you, sisters, and thank you, Bolivia, for everything that you offered me.
I finish this service contented, consoled, in peace and with much confidence in the Sisters who now assume the government of the Province, to continue seeking in everything the good of the neighbors. For my part, although I know that I am sent to Argentina, I am waiting for the Provincial Superior for the place where this sending will take place. For now, from July 22 to 30, I will do my Spiritual Exercises in Cordoba, to close this stage and start another with enthusiasm and hope.
We remain united, in what I always wanted to be as Provincial, “a sister among the sisters.” With affection and fraternal gratitude, in this my last circular letter”.
NotiAndina 216 – August 2024
We share NotiAndina 216 corresponding to the month of August 2024. An intense month in all communities and presences....