On January 24, the UISG presented to us what will be the first International Meeting on Communication for Religious Life to be held online from November 27-30, 2023.
This launch of the meeting had two objectives:
- Listen to the importance of digital communication in the church and consecrated life.
- Share some of the materials they have prepared for this meeting.
Aware that the mission of communication in religious life can only be done together, the Communication Office of the UISG has created this space for communicators in the service of religious life to meet.
Communication is the work of creating connections within which God’s voice resonates and is heard.
Pope Francis
Pat Murray, told us that as communicators, you are channels of the Spirit.
Nadia Coppa, asc, President of the UISG, spoke about the importance of communication in religious life today:
“I believe it has the power to create bridges, to favor encounters, to favor inclusion and thus participate in social and ecclesial transformation. It is a gift from God but also a great responsibility in a divided and fragmented world, communicating with mercy, justice and truth helps us to nurture what is good. We need to train ourselves to use the media wisely and creatively. Evangelization often involves these instruments as well.
Good communication allows us to transmit the mission and vision of a congregation, to create communion within the institutes and to offer a true image of what we are. So it’s worth investing in a good communication culture.”
Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication, spoke about this meeting as
“An opportunity for change, to look at ourselves in a different way, as if from above, letting the Spirit act in us and make us experts in communication in the deepest sense, of those who have had the experience of a life-changing encounter. Religious women and men can offer through their communication of communion a concrete model of community. There is no communication if there is no communion, there is no communion if there is no communication.
The communication that we can do in religious life can help us to overcome divisions, conflicts, clashes… but, above all, life can be less insipid, with more flavor, with more light. Communication is a mission, but not of those who do communication professionally, but of every member of the congregation and of consecrated life.
In addition, we were presented with the logo of the November meeting; a Padlet (an online tool to create collaborative murals) to share concerns, wishes and suggestions; and the objectives of the November meeting:
- Nurturing the culture of communication.
- Mapping the reality of communication in religious life.
- You strengthen networking and collaboration among communicators and also with superiors and managers.
- Improve our communication skills to make them more professional.
Calendar of events:
- February 17 to June 30 – Course on social networks and evangelization.
- Meetings at:
- May for superiors and general councils,
- september: forum with the press and journalists to bridge the gap between the catholic press and religious life communicators
- October: forum for young sisters in communication to give them a voice on what they think about communication.
- Book presentations and webinars.
- Share the content on the digital platform “Communicating religious life”.
Follow all the news on the UISG website and encourage you to participate.