To every Daughter of Jesus, congratulations!
I wish you happiness because today you celebrate your name, His name because you bear the name of Jesus. Not only is it your name, but it is also a reality, God saves. You carry a name worthy of being celebrated.
“You will name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins…, and they will name him Emmanuel, which translated means, ‘God with us.'” (Mt. 1:21-23)
His name says of Him, His name is His program of life. Jesus is named for what he does. “No one has ever seen God” (1 Jn. 4:12), Jesus has made it known to us. “In this, the love of God became visible among us: in that, he sent his only Son into the world to give us life” (1 Jn. 4:9). How can we not celebrate that God saves us and how he saves us!
Every Christian life, participation in the life of the Lord, is called to identify with Him, He tells us how to be in the world.
But if your name is the Daughter of Jesus… “According to the grace with which the Holy Spirit will help them, they are to have Before their eyes God as Father. They will be put in your hands with total confidence… to work in greater divine glory for the good of others… they will seek to love with all their person Jesus, God made man for our love, seeking in everything to resemble Him as a son resembles his father; and follow in their footsteps…” (IFC 136)
I wish you happiness because happiness is possible. It is possible and attainable at the level of everything human, it is true, limitedly.
Congratulations on your name. And a name that contains a life project will be subject to a process of growth…
Congratulations if we are identified with Jesus. Hopefully, every day we are a little more so!