Today February 2 we are celebrating together with the whole Church the XXV World Day of Consecrated Life and liturgically, it is the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
“Consecrated life is a parable of fraternity in a wounded world”, it is life and hope for the world, it is a simple presence, it is ferment. Today we remember and value the testimonies of religious brothers and sisters who express specifically in border and marginalization situations his consecration from a concrete, full and total love for the people who suffer the most, seeking in his dedication the consolation and relief of many.
Even if we are few, even if our contribution is small, we continue standing and on our way to heal wounds, sow joy, creating spaces for meeting. From education, spiritual exercises, accompaniment, pastoral care of migrants, with young people, with university students, with women, being as women a voice in theological reflections and church processes. In the face of the pandemic, we ask for the grace to be available and open. The pandemic does not kill our dream, it makes it urgent. Virtuality opens doors for us, invites us to travel less travelled paths, and we strive because we need to be close.
Today we renew our yes to everything that Jesus loved and chose, embracing everyone, especially those who no one loves, that is the hallmark of living Christian love.
What does the parable of the Good Samaritan say to our consecrated life today? This is the text that enlightens us this year and that has its roots in the desire for universal brotherhood expressed by Pope Francis in the Fratelli Tutti. The Daughters of Jesus are called by the Spirit, since the last General Congregation XVIII, to “closely follow Jesus Christ who chose poverty for himself”. From number [4] of the Determinations we are invited to remember that: “consecrated life is called to be a balm, encouragement, kind presence, impulse of hope, consolation along the way, encouragement, suggestive question, an expert in communion, a life that makes Jesus of Nazareth transparent ”. How are we living it? Let us take a moment to narrate our experience, let the Lord look at us, and continue to convert our hearts as consecrated women.
Testimony of a Novice
In my first year of novitiate, and experiencing this path of consecrated life, I was accompanied by a concept that someone shared with me: “Consecrated Life is an alliance that little by little becomes a mystical state in which everything speaks and points towards the unfathomable mystery of God that is Christ. “
(From left to right: Santa Maribel Adón Santos-1st year novice, Celina García-Juniora- Diomaris Tolentino Soto and Adriana Sepúlveda- 1st year novices)
And since then, I have been experiencing that alliance that occurs in the ordinary of every day, in life, in small gestures and commitments. This encourages me and helps me to realize that my covenant, my being consecrated is not with one thing, it is not professing vows -although that is also part of it-; Rather, it is a commitment of love with God who continues to consecrate me, who continues to create in me fraternal bonds of love and communion that leads me every day to give an answer. For this second year that begins in a few days, I want to live it as stated by Vita Consecrata in No. 3 “… as a precious and necessary gift also for the present and future of the People of God, because it belongs intimately to their life, their holiness and its mission… ”.
Santa Maribel Adón Santos
First Year FI Novice
(From left to right, Mary Mae Santorce on the day of her fisrt profession; Madelyn, Isairis, Rosabelkis, Gabriela, and the renewal of temporary vows of Junior Sister, Crystal Bermejo)
Here, we have shared some photos of the sisters in the initial formation that they made in the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, and Argentina. We invite the Congregational Body and the entire Mother Candida Family to join us in prayer, especially thanking the Father for the formandees present in the different houses of formation and mission places where we are present.
(From left to right, Isairis at her entrance to the Postulancy and the renewal of temporary vows of Junior Sister, Celina García)