From today until Saturday the 21st, the Superior General of the Daughters of Jesus, Maria Inez Furtado, and her general consultor Clara Echarte are in Cochabamba with the formators of our Congregation to reflect on this much needed area that questions us all. The mistresses of juniors – Dayse Agretti, Felisa Molina, Mª Carmen Jiménez and Sofía Chang – and the novice mistress Sonia María Soares da Rocha participate. Due to visa problems, novice mistress Magda has not been able to travel to Bolivia. At this moment of our present reality, this encounter about formation aims to be an area of reflection and place of accompaniment. It is a question of seeking together what can most help the Daughters of Jesus in initial formation.
Carta circular 43: Congregadas-Electoras CG XIX
En su carta número 43, nuestra Superiora general, nos comunica el nombre de las Hijas de Jesús que participarán por...