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Called to find God in this time – #9for9FI

July 30, 2023

We began our preparation for the feast of August 9 with the words Graciela wrote to us in her letter of August 22:

I am contacting you at a time when in some parts of the world we are finishing the school year and beginning a period of rest, in others we are starting it and there are also those who are in the middle of it. This leads me to ponder the geographical universality of our Congregation. In any case, “we believe” that God acts in all times, works and continues to do so with care and dedication (EE 236). He is the God of history. At times, when I look at some situations in our world, I experience uncertainty or bewilderment, and I repeat to myself over and over again: God is present in this time and is at work in it. We are called to meet him with that newness that he brings us today and that, at times, it really seems that we do not see it. God is always there. We are all invited to reflect that gaze that we have come to know in the Spiritual Exercises, that of contemplation in order to attain love, that which lives God always present and always loving us, so that in everything we may love and serve (Spiritual Exercises 233).

Beginning of the 31st letter of the Superior General to the whole Congregation

Encouraged by this call to find God present in our daily lives, we invite ourselves to walk this #9for9FI hand in hand with Pope Francis’ catechesis on discernment. From a simplicity within everyone’s reach, he gives us clues to make daily decisions based on the Lord because…

Life requires constant choice. To choose well we need to discern. To discern we need knowledge, experience, affection, will and effort, in addition to knowing that we are children of God. Right discernment leads to joy and communion. When I discern, I exercise my freedom.

Pope Francis

Wherever we are in every latitude, we will have the opportunity to read them, to pray them, to let ourselves be questioned, to continue deepening our daily search for what God is asking of each of us and to encourage others to ask for and practice the gift of discernment.

Perhaps because this is how Mother Candida lived her whole life, she was able to say in her final moments: “I die in peace and quiet because I do not remember a moment that was not for God”.

From tomorrow, July 31, feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, until August 9, the anniversary of the passing to the Father of St. Candida, we will be recalling the catecheses of Francis. Along with each one, we will bring a moment in the life of Mother Candida that will help us to bring the search for God’s will into our daily lives.

Are you up for it? Let us continue to build together the synodal Church of the 21st century.


1. What does it mean to discern?

2. An Example: Ignatius of Loyola


3. The elements of discernment. Familiarity with the Lord

4. The elements of discernment. Knowing yourself

5. The elements of discernment. The desire

6. The elements of discernment. The book of one’s own life


7. The matter of discernment. Desolation and 8. Why are we desolate?

9. Consolation and 10. True consolation


11. Confirmation of the good decision and 12. Surveillance

13. Do not cancel the dialogue with the Holy Spirit

14. Spiritual accompaniment
